Thursday, December 4, 2008

In only 20 Days, 6 Hours, 13 Minutes...

I will be 25 years old...

That is One Quarter of a Century!

I have already found gray hairs, I may have to go to the chiropractor for the first time for back pain, and... I could spontaneously combust at any given moment...

Ok... so I am not getting weird with thinking I am super old or anything like that...

BUT!! What in the world have I done with my life so far? Have I taken any chances for Christ? Why does my 20 page application for World Impact sit on my desk with only 3 pages sloppily completed? And when I get to heaven, what more is going to matter besides being with Jesus with the rest of my family, many of whom God could use me to bring into His kingdom?

Why am I so scared to just take a step? Just a step... not even a big one... just A step...

Time is Ticking!

1 comment:

Lena said...

gIRL! You are on the right track and way ahead of me! I turn 28 today and well, I have gray hair and see the chiropractor weekly and still don't have anything really "together" but really...what is together...are we thinking of it in God's eyes or the world's eyes. According to the bible we wont ever have it "together" until God completes his work in us and well...thats when we die! So rock on are taking God's timing not your own =) oh and fyi...Im talking to myself too as I write this ;)