Saturday, January 7, 2012

Prostitute Outreach - 1/6/12

I've made it to outreach at least the last four weeks in a row. Crazy huh? It has to be a new record!

Last night one of our team members was telling us a story she heard about a woman who went on a missions trip somewhere over seas. Near the end of her trip, as she was in a taxi on the way to the airport, she had a burden in her heart to talk to some gang kids on the street. Unsure of what to say to them and afraid of getting out of the car, she threw a stack of tracts out of the car towards the kids.

It was later found out that one of the kids picked up a tract and became a Christian. He then went on to translate the Bible into the language of his town and the entire town was converted.


I was immediately hit with the thought of how amazing God is and how he can use anything... ANYTHING... for His glory. But it wasn't until my 2am drive home last night (this morning?) that I started thinking more about the woman herself.

I am going to speculate here, but here you have a woman who has some sort of sense of adventure, boldness, and, not to mention, passion for the Gospel because she chose to go to another country in the first place. and yet, she found herself in a situation where she was scared and unsure of what to say or do. I wonder what went through her head afterward...

"I can't believe all I did was throw tracts at them. Someone bolder than me would have gotten out of the car. How could God ever use me if I am still living in fear?"

and yet... because of her small act, and God's big Hand, amazing things happened.

My thoughts were racing. My heart soaring. What is usually a difficult drive home for me was easy and exciting as all these thoughts gave me my second (ahem... ok third or fourth) wind.

How many times have I walked away from a girl on the street discouraged because I didn't feel like I said the right words, prayed the right prayer, smiled the right smile... I could go on! and day after day, blog post after blog post, I find ways to wallow in this guilt that I am not doing enough. and yet a tract that laid on the ground led to an entire town being saved. Perhaps my words and prayers aren't the greatest, but God can... no... IS using it anyway!

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28

Outreach Update:

*M, who was in the safe house left after being there for three weeks. Her phone has been disconnected and we don't know where she is now. Please pray for her.

*Last week, I met T and she immediately asked me to take her number. You could tell she wasn't at all ready to get out yet, but she was at least open to talking to someone. I gave her one of the scarfs we made and she threw away the one she was wearing (Love it!!) A few days later I tried to call her and her phone had been disconnected.

Last night I ran into her again, still wearing the scarf! She said her phone was back on again but it was turned off because she went to jail shortly after meeting us (that seems to happen to a lot of people we meet...). She also said her boyfriend saw the gifts from us and thought she was cheating on him. He couldn't believe it was from Christians! I am going to try to call T again soon. Pray I get through and that she is receptive :)

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Last night, The After Hours team threw a' First Annual After Hours Cheesy Christmas party' and let me tell you, we know how to have a cheesy party. Complete with the ugly sweaters, goofy white elephant gifts, and every item of food having some kind of cheese in it. It was pretty amazing. But those aren't the reasons it was amazing...

On our drive home from the party, the Husband and I were discussing the ministry and all the changes over this last year. It was still less than a year ago that our founders stepped down and Jen took charge of the ministry. It was just a month later that I was voted in as a board member. And it was right around that time that Jen, Julia and I, almost all our members at that time (missing a few people), sat down at Starbucks to rough draft where the ministry was going to go from there. I was excited, but wondering what God was going to do with a ministry that was back to the bare bones again.

Less than a year later, I found myself at our party with a little less than 20 people who are now a part of our team! and there were even some people missing! Not a week goes by that we don't have a least one team on the track... and sometimes we have to be broken up into multiple teams! God has grown this ministry so much! Not to mention, just this last week, a young girl we have been praying for for months made the decision to leave her pimp and is now in a safe house! Oh me of little faith... I wondered what God could or would do through three young girls... now I know!

It all brings me back to the continuous, daily struggle of 'Am I called to this? Am I fit for this kind of ministry?' A year ago it was based around the doubts that I could be of any help to a ministry that is starting from scratch again. But today, it comes from the doubts that I have much to contribute to a team that is flourishing, full of bold, Jesus loving, go-getter people while I am still timid and often doubt what God can do through me.

But God, being pretty amazing in this way (well, EVERY way), reminded me today as we finished the book of Acts in church, that the question shouldn't be about what we are called to. We know what we're called to. We're called, as Christians, to make His name known. From there, it's all about stepping out there and doing something about it. Something! Anything! So if it means knowing that a flourishing ministry needs a bookkeeper, who made not be the best but is willing, so be it. God's really good at taking care of all the details from there.

On that note,

THANK YOU for your prayers for the ministry! We covet them now more than ever as I'm sure we have the enemy's attention ;) Not to mention, it is only through Christ and because of Christ that any of this has happened or will continue. We need Him so thank you for continuing to pray. and remember to pray for our young friend who is in the safe home.

Thank you Jesus for all you've done and using us even when we feel like we have nothing You can use.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Big News?

Well hello there bloggers!

I feel like there's something really important that I need to tell you. Hmmm what is it? Something important...

Oh yes!


November 20th came and went quickly like any other day. But unlike any other day, I ended that day with a different last name, a husband, and a boarding pass for the Dominican Republic! It was a wonderful day, a great week long honeymoon and now I find myself settling into married life. Life is swell!

Pictures of the wedding and honeymoon to come soon! As well as an outreach blog since I am going tomorrow!

Until then...

(every newlywed couple is allowed at least one kissy picture on the internet right? I hope so cause other wise me and the person who's facebook I stole this from are in trouble!)

I say we need a caption for the look on my pastor's face... :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Pity Party

I think I'm ready to talk again. I haven't been for a while. I've felt so negative about... well... everything that I really didn't want to infect others with it. But I'm ready now so here goes.

About a month ago we had an outreach training with World Impact and I had really been looking forward to it. I was excited to see how many people would show up, what God would do while taking the new recruits on outreach with us, and to see who would end up joining our team. Things were going well as the day approached. Wedding planning was (and still is! Two weeks!) going smoothly, time set out for Jesus was a regular part of the day, and my excitement for the ministry was as present as ever,

Then on my way to LA, something happened. I stopped by a food establishment (one that I shouldn't have stopped at anyway! No fast food Jen!) and I got a look. Yup, just a look! That's all it took! Some random girl I have never met and probably never will see again decided to stare me down with a mocking smile. I checked my teeth for food, my nose for boogers, and my hair to make sure it wasn't standing up in some way. All good. But for whatever reason, this person decided I was a good target to make herself feel better about herself.

It worked. I cried the whole way to LA wondering what was wrong with me and almost turning around at so many points on my drive. I decided I hated people. Why do I want to minister to others when people are all so cruel?

I somehow got myself to outreach and with my sad and hardening heart, I put a smile on my face and led a team out. It was horrible. To the few people we did meet I had nothing to say. I let the new recruits step in where I was lacking. We meet the sweetest woman who had such a gentle spirit and kind smile and yet all I could think is 'Who was she mean to today? Why am I here??'

Because God will be glorified regardless, outreach was still a success without me. But the desire to ever go back was gone. I missed going. I missed my friends. But I didn't know how I could go back with such an attitude toward people that wouldn't leave. Luckily with wedding stuff, showers, and other busy-ness, I never had to make the choice of if I should go with my attitude or not. God knew I wasn't ready, so He made sure of it that I couldn't.

The attitude remained. I would get cut off on the road and it would increase. The hatred. My time with Jesus... almost non-existent. My fiance was the best support as he continued to encourage me to be in the Word. I rarely did it, but appreciated his gentle nudging.

Then it happened. Today.

My mom sent me an FB status that a friend of hers had posted. It read:

"In the Atlanta airport. Just saw a total gangsta - pants sagged down to his knees, pick stuck in his hair, tattoos everywhere, headphones blaring - help a little old white granny figure out her gate and boarding pass. And then? I hugged him and told him he was precious. Yes I did. This is a true story. I am a freak."

In one small glimpse, I was reminded that there is good in people. It has nothing to do with what the guy looked like; for me, it had more to do with proving to me that people are still worth reaching out to.

But they should have been seen that way anyway! And not because there is good in them, but because God has so much good to give to us! He was spit on, abused and killed and yet still reached out and loved there very people who did that to Him (Us!)

And there you go. That's how God knocked me out of whatever stupid, selfish funk I put myself in.

And to that girl who looked at me funny and started this whole darn thing (ok she didn't... I did... but still), maybe I will get the chance to hug her...

Oh and to my outreach compadres, sorry! Miss you!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Pen

(+5 points if you thought of Seinfeld when you read the title of my post. You people make me smile.)

Just like every other Tuesday I walked into my office, ready for another day of paying bills, answering phone calls, and odd conversations.

But unlike every other Tuesday, I found this on my desk waiting for me:

Why? "My husband saw it and said you needed it, because you're like a lamb."

It's the little things, and the amazing people, that make the bill paying, the phone calls, the odd conversations, and not to mention the commute, all worth while ;)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Creative Accounting

I am a firm believer in the idea that you are either creative... or you're not. Take me for example. I have never been able to draw more than a stick person and anything that doesn't have step by step rules just confuses me. I need structure and rules in order to know how to get things done.

And that's why crocheting seems to work for me. It's not that creative of a craft (as some people think). You follow some steps, chain here, stitch there, and if something is messed up, there was probably some step that was missed. Go back and fix it and there ya go.

Either way, I am letting myself believe I may have a little bit of creativity in me... and I think that's ok.

So what have I been working on?? I'm so excited to tell!!

For my fiance (Eeeee I love calling him that!):

It's a Settlers of Catan 'Ghan! Thanks Lucy for the easy hexagon pattern and this chick for the idea in the first place ;)

What's next? Oh this is what I am REALLY excited about!

Cute little hearts!! Wedding planning has begun ;)

By the way, I haven't written about outreach in a while because I haven't been on outreach in a while... different schedules, weddings, carmageddon scare... adds up to almost a month of not going :/

BUT things are flourishing with the ministry! Please keep us in your prayers! :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Last 2 weeks...

A LOT has happened the last couple weeks. Two big things have happened:

1. My parents are going to Ethiopia!!! In the very near future they will be going to meet my little sister and hopefully, not to far after that, they will be going back to meet her!

2. I'll let pictures tell you... ;)