Have I mentioned I have a pretty huge change coming up in the next week? I don't think I have... oops!
*I am moving back to Lancaster!*
Sorry to spring it on everyone like that... how else do you announce something like that?
Oh and Jen? (you ask) Why do you seem so excited? Haven't you been trying to escape the dry, brown, ghetto desert all your life? What is going on? (Reaches for phone to call the white coats.)
I am glad you asked, my friend. I am glad you asked. (Reason #1 for moving home: living on your own, and pretty much by yourself, makes you go crazy and you have two way conversations with yourself on a public blog. Oh dear...)
God has a mighty great sense of humor. Yes he does.
(Why do I feel like I am totally not writing like myself? :::Steps away from computer to take a deep breath:::)
Ok I am back.
Although I hate lists (as previously discussed in an older blog), I think I will do a list today. That will help me stay on track.
Reason #2 for moving home: (this is actually my first initial reason, but I will say it's the second to not mess up my numbers) ...Finances. Yup.
Reason #4 for moving home: (Darn it... I mess up the numbers anyway) Neighborhood Impact ministry at Grace Chapel. This goes back to my wanting to work with World Impact. I started thinking about how safe Simi Valley is. And man... it is SAFE! How can I expect to be able to help a hurting community when I, not only, don't live in a community that needs that kind of help, but I also didn't do anything in the community I grew up in that really does need help?
Reason #5 for moving home: Now I get to carpool with my coworker who moved to Palmdale this last year! Ok so it's not really a 'reason'... but definitely a perk!
Reason #6 for moving home: Have you seen my adorable niece? Who wouldn't want to be close to her? (Oh and another is on the way!)
She is already practicing her skills to help with the new baby:
Reason #3 for moving home: (Yes! I knew I could get my numbers caught up!) I like being close to my family. :)
and finally, Reason #7 for moving home: (7 reasons... God's number... oh yeah!) God said to. Sigh... obedience... I think I make it so much harder than it needs to be...
So that's about it... for now. I will miss Simi Valley dearly (even though I will still be at Collide on Friday nights and Cornerstone church on Sunday nights) but I know this is something I need to do. It's going so fast too!! February 15th is my last day as a Simian! ;)
Summer Speed
1 year ago
Simian...hum...I didnt know there was a name for them...but I can work with that :)
Hehe Yes Simian. I am blaming that one on Dave Zareno... he said it first when he asked me a year ago when I was going to become a 'simian' already... it stuck...
But I will admit, I got scared that I would turn out looking like this hehe: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simian
Reason #8 - To come to Crossroads every Saturday night! It will be awesome to see more of you. You are nice. :-)
How could I have forgotten that 8th reason??? Can't wait to go more and get to know you more Missy! You are nice too ;)
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