Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

The other day at work, one of my coworkers, Esther came in with a fruit tart (I hate to admit it, but until I started working here about two year ago, I didn't know what an actual fruit tart was. I blame "kids and all their slang these days" for that one.)

What a fruit tart looks like for those of you who were like me, pre-enlightenment (Yummy!):

So Esther walked in and said "This is for all mothers! ... and future mothers!" and then she looked right at me! At that moment I think my uterus froze up as I squealed, "Oh no!" The room up roared in laughter... I am glad my fear of commitment and having children can bring humor to someones' life... pfff... (I kid... no bitterness from this chick!)

Anyway, this really wasn't supposed to be about my delicious fruit tart, or about me, but about my mom. I love her!


1 comment:

Kathy B. said...

that is the biggest fruit tart I have ever seen!