I'm in the middle of composing a blog right now in response to one of the blogs I am about to mention... but it needs mad prayer and revision as it is coming across way too bitter and harsh. The harsh part I don't mind, in fact we all need that sometimes, but the bitter part? Yeah... need to work on that part. Coming soon!
(See what I did? Now all you faithful followers will be waiting on the edge of your seats for my next blog. "Jen harsh? and bitter??" and then you will be disappointed when it's not as Francis Chan Harsh or "insert bitter person's name here (don't act like you don't know someone... and of course we all know it's not you)" Bitter as you had hoped... but by then it will be too late... you will already have read it. I'm so sneaky...)
Anyway... here are two of my new favorite blogs!
To fit this criteria, you have to:
-Bring information to me that is new and fresh
-Have an element of shock value
-Challenge me in the way I think or the way I live (or is that the same thing? Hmmm)
-Have a really witty blog title
-And be female (apparently... since they are both female. But actually that's not true at all. And actually I don't usually have 'favorites'... so scratch this whole criteria thing anyway...)
My first new favorite is written by a 30 something year old missionary in Costa Rica. She lives there with her husband and 3(?) kids as they do God's work. Her element of shock value? She can be a bit... crass? (I don't know if that's the right word...) Ok so she cusses sometimes. and she is brutally honest about what it's like to be a missionary, wife, mother, female, sinner, etc... and I love her for it! She's definitely not one to restrain herself just to please the :::cough::: church crowd :::cough::: Let's face it... she says what we are all thinking, but wouldn't dare say!
Jamie the Very Worst Missionary is rocking my socks lately. And if you want to read a couple of her entries that almost made me cry... at work? BAM! and Moded!
The second 'favorite' new blog of mine is not one you would expect. It's written by a Used-to-be-Christian-now-Athiest-who-writes-about-her-issues-with-Christians... in a nutshell ;) And?? I LOVE this girl! There are things (of course) that I don't agree with, but there are so many things that she says that makes me want to change myself, yell at others, and go hug her and ask her to come back to Jesus because with what she has experienced and seen, she would make the best Christian ever and then when the rest of us are being near-sighted, unloving, judgmental, etc... she can slap us around a bit. It would be wonderful! Well... you know what I mean! It's her blog that I am writing a response to (which I do AGREE with!) but I won't let you know which entry it is yet... that will spoil the surprise!
Hope you enjoy some new fresh reading. I hope it stretches you like it's stretching me! :)
P.S. I've been grumpy today... for no reason. So if I seem extra weird today, it's because I am trying to pull myself out of it by being goofy. But I might be the only one who gets my weird humor. Oh well!
Summer Speed
1 year ago
Both of these blogs are awesome! Thank you! PS - I am in a grumpy mood too. Listening to the following songs helped: 1) Theme from the Dukes of Hazzard (Waylon Jennings), 2)Sweet Dreams (Eurythmics), 3) Make You Feel My Love (Adele). I know...weird, huh!? Good thing I left out Too Legit To Quit by Hammer. : )
sounds great...going to check out these blogs...enjoyed your blog tonight....I have some new pictures of my little Buzz and my holiday blog has new holiday pictures when you have some time...plus a comment is all it takes for the giveaway.
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