Friday, October 15, 2010

Because I like to laugh...

...and I'm sure you do too, here are a couple videos that are pretty funny! Some are old and some are newer... but fun nonetheless!

1. Chris Tomlin. Like you've never seen him before.

2. Told you being a single lady is awesome! Everyone wants to be one...

3. Since I've been talking about what a horrible person I am, the fact that I enjoy this video immensely only shows what a twisted person I really am. But I challenge you, oh you twisted soul, to not like it also. ;)

Update: Turns out Abraham Piper had the same idea as me today. The first two videos are kinda dumb... the third almost made me pee my pants... (just sayin')


Katie Alicea said...

If someone could ever die of laughter then it would happen right here....right now....because of your blog video combo. LOL! Is it wrong that not only did I laugh the hardest at the third video, but that I actually find myself humming Bowlin all day at work....and then try and get it on my Itunes????? And Los' son....priceless. Everyone wants to be a single lady...even infant boys. HUGS!!!

Jen said...

GASP! Was Bowlin' on iTunes?? I might have to buy it if it is... lol

Darn I totally forgot about the 'backing up' lady... I guess I will have to devote an entire post to Auto-Tunes sometime ;)