While Jen (yes we are 'Jen and Jen'... we are super cool like that!) and I were up in Fremont at a Human Trafficking conference, the team was out on the track talking to the girls. As Jen pointed out to us today, right around the same time they were talking to the woman about leaving for a home, God had prompted Jen for us to stop what we were doing and pray for the team and that there would be life changing decisions made that night. How amazing the Holy Spirit is!
This is written by Cynthia about that evening. I don't know what the story is on M***** now, but continue to pray for her and the rest of the girls.
Two weeks ago Friday was the first outreach I had been on in about two months. When I showed up, I was so thrilled to see the Lord had been busy raising an army of us to reach the girls on the streets! There were three new team members who joined us and praise God for more who are willing to give up their Friday nights to reach the lost!
This past Friday was a special night and I didn’t want too much time to pass before I wrote about it – not to boast about anything we’ve done but to glorify God who is working through us. This time there were five of us and we piled into my car around 8pm to head out to the track. As we arrived, it seemed to be pretty quiet on the streets. We drove a while without seeing any girls – but then again it seems like that’s always how it starts.
Then we saw the first one and Julia, Sharon and Katie approached her and were able to talk with her and give her a gift. And the night went on like that for a little while – we handed out a few more gift bags but not too many girls were interested in speaking with us in depth. We were able to pray for a couple of them however and I am always blessed when God opens that door.
Then we came upon N****. She was a little put off by us at first not really wanting to engage us in conversation (she probably thought we were cops like they all do). I assured her we weren’t and asked her where she was from and boy did her answer shock me – she said Alaska! Alaska??!! Really? What in the world are you doing down here?! She had only been in California about a month and half and found herself in bad circumstances (which she did not go into detail on) and there she was – on the streets! Oh how my heart broke for her! I told her she needed to get back home and asked her if she knew Jesus. Here is where her eyes welled up and she said yes but she was just going through a time right now – pray for her. Pray that she will get out of the game before she gets stuck down here.
Later Julia, Sharon and Katie went to speak with another girl and while Daryl and I were hanging out waiting for them we spotted another girl across the street. We went over to speak with her and she seemed broken right from the start (she had also obviously been drinking). Sensing that she might be open to the idea, Daryl immediately asked her if we could find a place for her tonight, would she be interested in leaving the streets – she said yes! Wow! All the times I’ve been out there I’ve never heard a girl say yes to that question!
We were sort of at a loss as to what to do so Daryl started making phone calls to find a place that would take her. In the meantime, I prayed with her and then she began to speak and on and on she went. I could hardly understand her but she had tears in her eyes and she seemed like she was so tired of doing the wrong things. She was also lamenting about her four kids and how she had done them wrong. Well this went on for what seemed like forever – Daryl on the phone, M****** going on and on and we finally found a place that was going to come and pick her up right away. By then the other three on our team had joined us and we were all standing out there, freezing, praying, hoping that M***** would follow through (I’ll be honest, I had my doubts).
As we’re standing there, other girls stopped by to see if M***** was ok – I mean, after all, she was surrounded by five white people and she was crying and ranting etc… We of course passed out gifts to all the girls that stopped by (one a daughter of a minister!) and one who touched my heart. A*****, only 19 years old who’s father is dead and mother is in jail. So she’s out on the streets on her own – pray for her safety.
So this scene continues for 30 min maybe 45 and then all of a sudden M***** walks away saying she can’t go to the home tonight because she promised her daughter who is in jail that she would visit her tomorrow and she didn’t want to break that promise. I really felt that was simply an excuse and that she just became scared – but perhaps she really did need to see her daughter. So we honored her request, took her phone number and promised to call her the next day after she visited her daughter and arrange for her to go to the home.
Sadly, Julia attempted to reach her multiple times Sat eve as promised but got nothing but her voice mail. If you’re reading this, please take just 2 min right now and plead with the Lord to change her heart – that she would not be afraid, that she would call us back and leave the life she is so tired of.
I know this post was long but believe me, I left a lot out. God is working and we are so privileged to be a part of it. Please pray for these girls….