Friday, January 28, 2011


I promise I do my best not to ramble... but perhaps I really don't try enough...

1. Pictures

So turns out I am awful at keeping commitments. Ok that's not true. I have had my job for 3-1/2 years and a boyfriend for almost 2 months (and that's a BIG DEAL! - it really is... turns out I might be one of those runners or something...) but commitments to taking pictures everyday? I just can't do it. I have kept a camera in my purse consistently for the last who-knows-how-many years and the number of pictures I have taken in that time can probably be easily counted. So... soddy, but no more of the picture a day stuff. Back to our scheduled (or lack of scheduled) program.

2. Seminar/ROAD TRIP!

Last weekend Jen and I went to a human trafficking conference, called 'Freedom Summit' up in Fremont. It was super fun! Well, I mean, human trafficking isn't fun. But the road trip part was fun. A lot of 80s dance party type stuff going on as well as her teaching me how to play 'Hey Cow!' while driving the beautiful 101 (it's a more complicated game than it sounds... ok not really... hehe). Anyway, we discovered that there wasn't a whole lot of new information for us to learn there. I really enjoyed hearing Dave Batstone speak (author of Not for Sale) and speakers from Hagar Cambodia, but overall, it may be a seminar for people who don't usually talk to trafficking victims on a regular basis. But over all, it was great to take time off work and officially break in Eunice! (Yes... I did finally name my car. Cute right??)

3. World Impact

I haven't updated on this in a while. I have been at a point where there isn't much I can do to move forward. I need one more reference and I am having a hard time filling that spot (under specific criteria). There is a relief that I have to wait as I have been torn about the whole deal lately (for perhaps obvious reasons? If you think about it, you may figure it out...) but overall, should this last reference be filled, I really don't know what I would do. Going forward or waiting... neither gives me peace. Neither option feels right. Prayers appreciated... :/

4. After Hours

I was going to write more when I first drafted this post, but that was before I had posted the last update. I wasn't there, but last Friday was pretty amazing. We are going out tonight and I'm excited to see what God does! We are really praying about how to continue to bring the ministry to the 'next level' and so far, God has been every bit of faithful to do that for us ;)

The end.

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