Tuesday, August 24, 2010

You want me to go where?

Have you ever used a pit toilet before? Something like this?

(You thought when my subject line said 'go,' that it was going to be about God leading me somewhere type of thing huh? Silly...)

Ok ok so this isn't about pit toilets. They are gross anyway.

Remember about two years ago when I was praying about applying with World Impact? I put a hold on the process to move home, get some things (specifically financially) taken care of, and to see where God was leading. Well, I finally decided to take the crazy step of applying! I still have to tackle about 30 pages worth of questions, but I am excited that I am actually going to do it!

So where does God want me to go? Inner city here I come ;)

P.S. Just so the whole pit toilets thing doesn't seem completely out of nowhere, I went camping this weekend so I became very much acquainted with them. Eww!

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